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  • 55th Anniversary of the Mothers of Maverick Street | Boston Protest

55th Anniversary of the Mothers of Maverick Street | Boston Protest

June 12th, 2023

This year marks the 55th Anniversary of The Mothers of Maverick Street and their historic Boston protest to stop Logan Airport expansion. Mothers lined the street, pushing their children in carriages to stop dump trucks from continuing to race down Maverick Street. Tempers flared and Boston Police kept the peace as State Police threatened violence. The mother’s held strong. The success of this protest and the following negotiations marked a shift toward environmental justice in the United States.

Maverick Street Mothers protest in East Boston, Sept 1968

Mothers of Maverick Street protest in East Boston, Sept 1968

Locally, this implemented a major shift in truck traffic flow off of residential streets, allowing residential property along Maverick to thrive, while blocking Logan Airport expansion plans. Some of the neighboring streets in East Boston experienced a different outcome. Geneva Street, was left somewhat forgotten- a relic of a different time in East Boston, in need of attention and development.

Geneva Street - Current Day Now

Geneva Street – Current Day

Geneva Street’s initial transformation began with the creation of the Southwest Service Area (park) along Geneva Street, bike paths, and other small parks have provided the community with critical outdoor space and environmental enjoyment. But there is still work to be done. 

While Geneva Street remains one of the last unpaved streets in Jeffries Point, new developments in the area have agreed to pave portions of this road, making it more usable for the community. Developments like 9 Geneva are expected to create 28 Residences, including 5 affordables. This sale is priced at $7M, and the future development will remove a long-standing auto body shop alleviating a major eye sore and freeing up street parking for residents.

“Now for sale, 9 Geneva is a symbol of a thriving residential neighborhood in what would have been a parking lot for an airport,” says listing agent and East Boston resident, Nicoletta Longo (Realty Boston, Century 21 Cityside). “With a portion of affordable housing, private outdoor space for every resident, common backyard, and overlooking this historic park built in honor of female leaders, this project is focused on what my team embodies. Female empowerment and building East Boston with the community at the forefront”. 

9 Geneva - New Development 2023

Visit 9Geneva.com for more information



East Boston Times – Free Press
